Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

展厅与交流灯塔透视图 Exhibition and Exchange Beacon Perspective

Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

The design for the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts re-uses the existing Bao Steel Plant, transforming it into an open campus that blurs the boundary between campus and city to create an academic environment that is creative, thriving, and collaborative.

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Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts (SAFA) is located in Wusong Innovation City, Baoshan District, Shanghai. The new home for SAFA creates an open and accessible campus (re)assembled in an abandoned steel manufacturing plant, serving as a catalyst for the regeneration Wusong Industrial Area.

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Ennead 2135 Bilibili 25 Site Plan Analysis 0003 medium

Unlike a typical campus formed around quads, SAFA exists within the footprint of the Bao Steel building, requiring a linear campus.

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Individual Departments are grouped into four main divisions. Each of the divisions, or “Clusters” are made up of an assembly of dedicated space types – labs, classroom and studio, faculty offices. As with each Department, each Cluster benefits by having its own identity and defined space without losing sight of a shared campus experience that encourages collaboration and creative exchange. Shared common spaces and programmatic hubs provide the glue that binds student, faculty and staff together, regardless of their area of study or position within the program. These activity magnets are also spaces where the community can engage and where a strong town and gown relationship can be established and nurtured - a cultural regeneration.

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承载空间透视图 Trays Perspective
展厅与交流灯塔透视图 Exhibition and Exchange Beacon Perspective

The East Art Museum beacon and elevated public plaza provides a multi-functional space able to host outdoor events, exhibitions, and performances. The Art Museum tower is comprised of alternating and shifted gallery floors and The International Exchange Center is for visiting artists. The adjacencies of the Fine Arts cluster studios to the public outdoor terrace and art museum offer opportunities for creative exchange and exhibition between The Academy, the community, and professional artists - a true Town and Gown experience.

设计学部入口看向公共承载空间阶梯 Looking From Design Cluster Entry

The individual components that make up the physical campus are legible and distinct and provide a memorable visual and spatial experience for student, faculty, staff, and visitors alike. Together these pieces create a three-dimensional framework that supports the creative energy within and communicates a message of openness and accessibility.

设计学部 Design Cluster


Wusong Innovation City, Shanghai
248,064 sqm
Arts Education – Fine Arts, Design and Fashion, Architecture, Planning and Environmental Art, Humanities, Gallery, Continuing Education, Administration, Faculty Offices, Food and Beverage, International Exchange Program, Artist in Residency, Library, Art Museum, Indoor Athletics


Ennead Design Team
Thomas Wong, Brian Masuda, Grace Chen, Chihwei Hsu, Dean Kim, Diba Dayani, Kyung Il Min, Ethan Shaw, Chao Wei, Lanxi Sun, Jing Oh, Zheng John Huang, Jun Xu, Junxin Chen