Dinosaurs & Mass Timber: What’s the Connection? The Story of the Edelman Fossil Park & Museum
The Edelman Fossil Park & Museum at Rowan University is a hybrid structure with beautiful applications of exposed GLT and glulam. Why was mass timber used and what is the connection with dinosaurs?
Ken Lacovara explains that dinosaurs are a key to studying the future of climate change: Their fossil records provide us with a history of the planet as it dealt with various environmental tipping points. “As we move into an uncertain environmental future, it has never been more important to understand the past.” By bridging the ancient past with modern sustainable practices, Lacovara highlights how understanding the history of life on Earth can inform smarter, more sustainable choices today, particularly in how we build. The principal museum architects, Thomas Wong and Andrew Sniderman take it from there to explain how their architectural design integrates and reflects these themes and offers a holistic view of our past, present, and future.