Traditional Building features Cathedral of Saint John the Divine Dome Restoration

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Traditional Building Magazine published an article on the Ennead-led renewal of the copper dome at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The piece covers the dome's history and the process our team went through to find the best long-term solution.

 “The membrane roofs on the dome kept failing rapidly because of water infiltration,” says Kevin Seymour, associate principal of Ennead Architects, which had been doing work on the cathedral since the 1970s and did an initial repair on the dome roof in 2014. “Because the cathedral is so massive, it’s expensive even to access the dome roof. We suggested batten seam copper as a permanent solution because it’s what’s on the roofs of the cathedral’s nave, choir, and apse.”

Read the full article here.

Read more about the renewal of the Copper Dome Roof here.