The restoration is more than an aesthetic improvement. It is also the fulfillment of a responsibility to architectural history.
- 年份
- 2006
- 项目地点
- New Haven, CT
- 项目规模
- 62,000 GSF
- 功能
- Galleries, Media Lounge, Courtyard, Sculpture Garden
- Ennead 团队
- Duncan Hazard, James S. Polshek, Richard Olcott, Steven Peppas, Lloyd DesBrisay, Robert Condon, Gary Anderson, Marlon Aranda, Felicia Berger, Chris Boyer, Kimberly Brown, Yong Joon Cho, Stephen P-D Chu, Alex Leung, James Macho, Marianne Madigan, Cheryl McQueen, Anh Montgomery, Peter Mullan, Craig Mutter, Jesse Peck, Damyanti Radheshwar, Marissa Sweig, Hans Walter
- 展会设计
- Staples & Charles, LTD.
- 历史建筑保护
- David G. De Long
- 材料保护
- Garrison/Lull, Inc.
- 外围
- Gordon H. Smith Corporation, James R. Gainfort Consulting Architects, P.C.
- 摄影
- Elizabeth Felicella, Yale University Art Gallery
- 2010
- AIA National Honor Award for Architecture
- 2009
- National Design Award, Society of American Registered Architects
- Award of Excellence, Society of American Registered Architects/New York Council
- 2008
- Merit Award, AIA/New York Chapter
- 2007
- Honor Award, AIA/Connecticut
- Best of 2007 Merit Award, Rehab/Restoration/Renovation, New York Construction News
- Historic Preservation Honor Award, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Merit Award, AIA/New England
- Merit Award, AIA/New York State
- 2018
- 2007
- Hurley, Amanda Kolson. "As Kahn Intended" (Architect, 4/1/2007)
- Nobel, Philip. "Between Noise and Light: The Yale University Art Gallery triggers a reappraisal of Louis Kahn's message" (Metropolis, 10/17/2007)
- 2006
- Benenson, Charles B. "Yale Revamps Kahn Landmark" (Art in America, 12/2006)
- Bernstein, Fred. "A Restoration Adds Luster, Keeping with Designer's Original Aesthetics" (The New York Times, 12/10/2006)
- Jackson, Sarah. "Louis Kahn / Yale University Art Gallery" (The Architects' Journal, 11/30/2006)
- Ouroussoff, Nicolai . "Restoring Kahn's Gallery, and Reclaiming a Corner of Architectural History at Yale" (The New York Times, 12/11/2006)
- Richards, Kristen. "Un-cluttering a Kahn Classic" (e-Oculus, 7/30/2006)
- Saffron, Inga. "Makeover for a Kahn masterpiece" (The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/13/2006)
- Taylor, Kate. "A Kahn Icon Restored" (The New York Sun, 7/19/2006)
- 2005
- MacAdam, Barbara . "A Modernist Masterpiece Reborn" (Art Info, 12/5/2005)