The building responds directly to the collaborative nature of the work that takes place inside, providing an architectural solution to the divergent needs of individual disciplines while bringing them together in innovative ways.
- 年份
- 2006
- 项目地点
- Ann Arbor, MI
- 项目规模
- 491,666 GSF
- 功能
- 240 Labs, 120 Offices, Break Rooms, Conference rooms, 300-seat auditorium, Three Combinable Seminar Rooms, Research Support
- Ennead 团队
- Todd Schliemann, Duncan Hazard, Thomas Wong, David Wallance, Charles Griffith, William Clark, Charmian Place, Karl Hirschmann, Katharine Huber, Lori Pavese Mazor, Todd Van Varick, John Alber, Gary Anderson, Jason Buchheit, Anna Ho, Douglas Kawano, Tara Leibenhaut-Tyre, Jane Lin, James Macho, Brian Masuda, Lois Mate, Anh Montgomery, Bryan Natinsky, Mark Pisani, James Rhee
- Laboratory Consultant
- Jacobs Consultancy, GPR Planners Collaborative
- Photography / Videography
- Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects
- 2009
- National Design Award, Society of American Registered Architects
- Award of Merit, Society of American Registered Architects/New York Council
- 2007
- AIA National Honor Award for Architecture
- 2006
- Citation, AIA/New York State
- 2008
- "Facility Focus: University of Michigan Biomedical Science Research Building" (College Planning & Management, 10/2008)
- Bomey, Nathan. "U-M Biomedical Science Building at 100% Capacity" (Ann Arbor Business Review, 1/10/2008)
- 2007
- Brown, Diane. "BSRB receives national nod" (The University of Michigan, 1/24/2007)
- Gershman, Dave. "Biomedical science building wins international award" (The Ann Arbor News, 1/18/2007)
- Sokol, David. "Twenty-Nine Exemplary Works Earn 2007 AIA Honor Awards" (Architectural Record (online), 1/16/2007)
- "AIA Institute Honor Awards 2007" (The Architect's Newspaper, 2/1/2007)
- 2006
- "Atrium links two different masses" (Architectural Record, 7/2006)
- 2005
- Reuter, Anne. "Chipping away at convention, 'Pringle' auditorium provides human scale to new U-M building" (The Ann Arbor News (9/13/2005)
- 2003
- "University of Michigan Medical School Biomedical Research Facility" (Real Estate and Construction Review, Vol. 3, 2003)