Over the course of the first year, students and faculty began to discover and use the new spaces. By year’s end – light speed if you think about the usual pace of cultural change – everything was different. What used to feel dead and monkish now feels vibrant and alive. It is precisely what we hoped the new architecture would do.
- 年份
- 2011
- 项目地点
- Stanford, CA
- 项目规模
- 65,000 GSF
- 功能
- Law Clinic, Conference Rooms, Seminar Rooms, Communal Work/Study Spaces, Faculty Offices, Faculty Garden, Faculty Lounge
- LEED Silver Equivalent
- Ennead 团队
- Richard Olcott, Don Weinreich, Kate Mann, Steven Peppas, Charmian Place, Stefan Abel, Bernardo Almonte, Sean Baumes, Katharine Huber, Kathleen Kulpa, Christina Long, Kenichiro Mito, Yasemen Omurtag, Yong Kyun Roh, Todd Van Varick
- 主任建筑师
- MKThink
- Photography / Videography
- Misha Bruk, Bruce Diamonte, Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects, Google Earth
- 2013
- IES Lighting Control Innovation Award of Merit, Illuminating Engineering Society
- Silver Award of Merit, Society of American Registered Architects/New York Council
- 2012
- AIA Santa Clara Valley Design Awards, Award of Merit
- The Chicago Athenaeum Award for American Architecture
- The Illuminating Engineering Soiety of North America Illumination Award, Award of Merit
- ACEC California’s Engineering Excellence Award, Honor Award
- American Council of Engineering Award
- Precast Concrete Institute Award, Higher Education Category
- Precast Concrete Institute Award, Sustainable Design Award
- 2011
- Society of American Registered Architects, National Design Award
- 2011
- "Neukom Comes Full Circle" (World Architecture News, 6/17/2011)
- Meinhold, Bridgette. "Stanford’s Neukom Building is a Stunning Low-Carbon Campus Centerpiece" (Inhabitat, 6/15/2011)
- "Architecture People and Places" (Architecture Week, 6/8/2011)
- Dudley, Brier. "A New Era: Attorney General Lauds Neukom at Stanford" (The Seattle Times, 5/20/2011)
- Sloan, Karen. "Stanford law's New Building Intends to Encourage Interaction" (The National Law Journal, 5/18/2011)
- "Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Dedication of the William H. Neukom Building at Stanford Law School" (The United States Department of Justice, 5/20/2011)
- "Attorney General Eric Holder helps dedicate a dazzling new building for the Stanford Law School" (Stanford University News, 5/23/2011)
- "William H. Neukom Building at Stanford University" (e-architect.com, 5/25/2011)
- "William H. Neukom Building, Stanford University" (Architype Review, 9/22/2011)
- Cook, John. "New Stanford Law Building is amazing, and it comes courtesy of an ex-Microsoftie" (Geek Wire, 5/21/2011)