The structure provides a flexible framework for an intensive and creative world, one that can transform to provide for a wide variety of approaches, personalities and teaching methodologies over time.
To encourage movement through the building and provide all students visual access to the creative process, the design incorporates pre-existing pedestrian paths between classroom facilities on the historic campus and dormitories to its west.
Art education makes sense only if art is conceived to be as central to life and to education as any other activity, and is not merely tolerated as a ‘cultural ornament’.
- 年份
- 2004
- 项目地点
- Bronxville, NY
- 项目规模
- 59,857 GSF
- 功能
- Classrooms, Critique Space, Exhibit Space, Studio, Production Space, Seminar Room, Technology Cluster
- LEED Certified
- Ennead Team
- Susan T. Rodriguez, Timothy Hartung, Joanne Sliker, Jeff Miles, John Lowery, Charmian Place, Gary Anderson, Chris Andreacola, Greg Haley, Elliott Hodges, Yama Karim, Tara Leibenhaut-Tyre, Leonard Leung, Harry Park, Kevin Rice, Ivan Rupnik, James Sinks
- 摄影
- Richard Barnes, Stefen Turner, Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects
- 2008
- Educational Facility Design Honor Award, AIA/New York Chapter Building Type Award
- Sustainable Design Merit Award, AIA/New York Chapter Building Type Award
- 2005
- Award for Excellence in Design, AIA/New York State
- AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects
- First Honor Award, AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson
- Sustainable Design Award, AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson
- 2004
- Higher Education Merit Award, Best of 2004, New York Construction
- 2008
- "Dynamic Fine Arts or Fine Arts and Performing Arts buildings" (SNCArt Blog, 11/13/2008)
- 2005
- Koch, Christina. "The View from Above" (Eco-Structure, 9/2005)
- Solomon, Nancy B. "The Pick of the Sustainable Crop" (Architectural Record, 7/2005)
- 2004
- Genocchio, Benjamin. "At Sarah Lawrence, Visual Arts Center Breaks Barriers" (The New York Times, 10/31/2004)
- Merkel, Jayne. "Image: Today's Big Man on Campus" (Architectural Record, 4/2004)
- "Heimbold Visual Arts Center to Feature Green Elements" (New York Construction, 5/2004)