The building’s large glass façade embraces its surroundings, visually inviting the community inside. On the inside, a choreographed sequence of spaces inspires a creative community of students to take a memorable journey. We have created a building that brings a little bit of Times Square to Astoria, Queens.
The school building is a great work of art, capable of inspiring greatness within, and befitting the great esteem in which we should hold our most democratic of institutions, public education.
- 年份
- 2009
- 项目地点
- Astoria, NY
- 项目规模
- 185,000 GSF
- 功能
- 1000-Student High School for the Visual and Performing Arts, 800-Seat Theater with Balcony Seating, Control Room, Full Stage with Fly Tower, Stagecraft Lab, Black Box Theaters, Media Center/Broadcast Studio, Dance Studios, Music Practice Rooms, Orchestral and Choral Rooms, Art Studio and Lab, Gymnasium, Roof Terrace, Galleries, Classrooms, City-Wide Special Education Classrooms, Science Demo, Labs and Prep Rooms, Cafeteria, Administrative Offices, Parking Garage for 100 Cars
- Ennead 团队
- Susan T. Rodriguez, Brian Masuda, Joseph Fleischer, Kalavati Somvanshi, Christopher Halloran, John Zimmer, James Sinks, Charmian Place, Hiro Kashiwagi, Jörg Kiesow, Kevin Krudwig, Chee-ping Kuek, Vivian Lee, Mary Elizabeth Liggio
- Photography / Videography
- Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Spirit of Space
- 2012
- Merit Award, AIA / New York Chapter
- 2011
- Society of American Registered Architects, National Design Award
- 2010
- AIA New York State Excellence in Design
- The Chicago Athenaeum, American Architecture Award
- Award of Excellence, Society of American Registered Architects / New York Council
- 2009
- Queens Chamber of Commerce Building Hall of Fame Award
- 2013
- Vozick-Levinson, Simon. "Paul McCartney Surprises Queens High School with Auditorium Rock Show" (Rolling Stone, 10/9/2013)
- 2010
- Sheftell, Jason. "Studio City: Film production center Kaufman Astoria Studios writes script for growth in nabe" (DailyNews.com, 1/8/2010)
- 2009
- Kilgannon, Corey. "He's Never Left Astoria Behind" (The New York Times, 6/26/2009)
- Rueb, Emily. "A New Arts School Prepares for its First Act" (The New York Times, 9/9/2009)
- Toppo, Greg. "At Tony Bennett’s $78M School, Arts Trumps Fame" (USA Today, 9/17/2009)
- 2010
- Ross, Chuck. "Specialty Schools: Thinking outside 40-acres and a fence" (Architectural Products Magazine, 1/2010)
- 2009
- "Frank Sinatra School of the Arts Opens in Astoria" (Local 718 Queens, 9/21/2009)
- "Sinatra School Opens in Queens" (WABC, 9/21/2009)
- "Tony Bennett Helps Open School for Arts in Astoria" (NY1, 9/18/2009)
- MacDonald, Kerri. "Music Legends Help Open Sinatra School in LIC" (The Queens Courier, 9/2009)