For the architect of a transformational project, the opportunity to create a new life out of an old one is like discovering an architectural fountain of youth. There is a kind of reassurance in utilizing the past to create a future, particularly when it is appropriate to substitute new imagery for old.
- 年份
- 2003
- 项目地点
- Northampton, MA
- 项目规模
- 165,000 GSF
- 功能
- Galleries, Studios, Library Reading Rooms, Imaging Center, Stacks, 120-seat Auditorium, Art Storage Facilities, Café, Museum store, Classrooms
- Ennead 团队
- Susan T. Rodriguez, James S. Polshek, Joseph Fleischer, Joanne Sliker, Steven Peppas, John Lowery, Charmian Place, Gary Anderson, Niv Ben-Adi, Anya Bokov, Serge Drouin-Prouve, Rafael Gavilanes, Alan Henschel, Eugine Huang, Yong Joon Cho, Yama Karim, Kate Mann, Corvin Matlei, Bruce Nichol, Kevin Rice, Eduardo Tapia
- 摄影
- Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Jim Gipe
- 2004
- Award of Merit, The International Association of Lighting Designers
- 2003
- Honor Award, AIA/New England
- Brick in Architecture Award
- Northampton Historic Commission Preservation Award for Excellence in the Built Environment
- 2004
- Weesener, Ted. "Find a pool of sunshine to taste, or take in, right in Northhampton" (Boston Globe, 2/29/2004)
- 2003
- Cambell, Robert. "Smith's Fine Art Center has a design that builds on the old but holds water" (Boston Globe, 8/24/2003)
- Page, Max. "Five schools in Massachusetts vie for attention by hawking their wares - in vastly different garb" (Architecture, 10/2003)
- Page, Max. "Outdoor Classrooms" (Architecture, 10/2003)
- Polshek, James S. and Susan T. Rodriguez with foreward by John Davis, Suzannah Fabing and Barbara Polowy. The Brown Fine Arts Center: An Architecture of Transformation, Image and Word, Art and Art History at Smith College, 2003
- Wright, Patricia . "Remaking the Museum" (Smith Alumnae Quarterly, 2003 Spring)
- 2000
- Dunlap, David W . "Where in the World Do We Put 24,000 Works of Art?" (NewsSmith, 2000 Spring)