怀彻斯特社区学院 - 英语为第二语言欢迎中心
- 年份
- 2010
- 项目地点
- Valhalla, NY
- 项目规模
- 70,700 GSF
- 功能
- General Classrooms, Seminar Rooms, Computer Classrooms, Language Labs, Fashion Lab, Business Classrooms, Faculty and Staff Offices, 175-Seat Auditorium, Cafe, Welcome Center
- LEED Gold
- Ennead 团队
- Susan T. Rodriguez, Timothy Hartung, Joanne Sliker, John Zimmer, Patrick Golden, Matthew Bissen, Charles Brainerd, Kyo-Young Jin, Paul Keene, Jörg Kiesow, Harry Park, Marianne Madigan, Craig McIlhenny, Saem Oh, Yekta Pakdaman-Hamedani, Charmian Place, Maura Rogers, Daniel Stube
- 摄影
- Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Jock Pottle/Esto, Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects
- 2012
- Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award
- 2011
- Society of American Registered Architects, National Design Award
- High Honor Award, AIA Westchester/Hudson Valley
- Merit Award, AIA/New York Chapter
- Metalmag Architectural Award, Wall Panel Category
- Award of Excellence, Society of American Registered Architects/New York Council
- Higher Education/Research Project of the Year, New York Construction Best of 2011
- Metalmag Architectural Award, Metal Building Category, Umicore Building Projects
- National Award, American Institute of Steel Construction, IDEAS2 Award
- 2012
- Seward, Aaron. "In Detail: New Gateway Center" (Architect's Newspaper, 3/28/2012)
- 2011
- Caterino, Jennifer. "Community Colleges" (Architect Magazine, 9/1/2011)
- Biemiller, Lawrence. "Shop Talk" (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2/2/2011)
- Henry, Christopher. "The Gateway Center, Westchester Community College / Ennead Architects" (archydaily.com, 4/28/2011)
- Meinhold, Bridgette. "Ennead’s Gateway Center Sustainability Enhances Westchester Community College" (Inhabitat, 3/9/2011)
- "Ennead’s Gateway Center Honored with LEED Gold Certification" (e-architect, 2/17/2011)
- "The Gateway Center, Westchester Community College" (e-architect, 2/1/2011)
- "The Golden Gateway" (WorldArchitectureNews.com, 2/22/2011)
- Del Percio, Stephen. "Westchester County Wins First LEED Gold Rating for Community College Gateway Center" (greenbuildingsnyc.com, 6/8/2011)
- 2004
- Medina, Jennifer. "College Raises Money for a New Building" (Daily News, 11/21/2004)