My conceptual approach to the design envisions the theater as a playful assemblage of forms, which actively choreographs the theater experience and expresses the energy and spirit of the multi-cultural arts community.
- 年份
- 1993
- 项目地点
- San Francisco, CA
- 项目规模
- 65,500 GSF
- 功能
- 750-seat Proscenium Theater, Lobby, Upper Lobby with Balcony
- 设计合伙人
- James S. Polshek, Todd Schliemann
- 管理合伙人
- Joseph Fleischer
- 项目经理
- Sara Caples, Damyanti Radheshwar
- 技术设计师
- Jihyon Kim
- 团队
- Marybeth Comins, Denis Dambreville, Lawrence Davis, Greg Doench, Amy Eliot, Lois Mate, Darius Sollohub
- 1995
- Award of Honor for Design Excellence, AIA/San Francisco, 1995
- 1994
- AIA National Honor Award for Architecture, 1994
- AIA National Honor Award for Interiors, 1994
- Award, AIA/New York Chapter, 1994
- USITT Architecture Award, United States Institute of Theatre Technology, 1994
- 1999
- Rudy Bruner Gold Medal for Urban Excellence, Institute for Urban Design, 1999
- 1994
- Award for Excellence in Design, AIA/New York State, 1994
- MCA Merit Award, Metal Construction Association, 1994
- 2000
- DeCarlo, Tessa. "If Small Is Beautiful, It Passes the Test" (The New York Times, 12/17/2000)
- 1988
- Temko, Allan. "'People's Theater' of the Future" (San Francisco Chronicle, 9/14/1988)
- 1995
- Forgey, Benjamin . "San Francisco's Art-Full Architecture" (The Washington Post, 2/4/1995)
- 1994
- Coolidge, Cal. "Avant-Garde Encore" (The Architectural Review, 8/1994)
- Landecker, Heidi. "Street Theater" (Architecture, 2/1994)
- Markoff, John. "A New San Francisco Is Growing Downtown" (The New York Times, 5/22/1994)
- 1993
- Kahn, Eve M. "Sailing Along on the Cutting Edge" (The Wall Street Journal, 11/3/1993)
- Temko, Allan. "Graceful Triad Taking Shape in Yerba Buena" (San Francisco Chronicle, 5/17/1993)
- Temko, Susannah. "Maki, Polshek, and Botta Buildings to Bloom at Yerba Buena Gardens" (Architectural Record, 8/1993)
- 1992
- Adams, Gerald D. "Yerba Buena preview offers magical vision" (San Francisco Examiner, 2/28/1992)
- 结构
- Rutherford + Chekene
- 暖通/电气/给排水
- Takahashi
- 景观设计
- Patricia O'Brien Landscape Architecture
- 灯光
- Synergy Graphics, Inc.
- 平面设计
- Tracy Turner Design, Inc., Salestrom Design
- Acoustics/Audiovisual
- Paoletti & Associates
- 规格
- Robert Schwartz & Associates
- 规范/生活安全
- Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc.
- 成本预算
- Hanscomb Associates
- 剧院
- Auerbach Pollock Friedlander
- 咨询建(工程师
- F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc.
- 指示牌
- Laura Hogan
- 总承包商
- Sumitomo Construction
- 施工经理
- Turner Construction Company
- 摄影
- Richard Barnes, Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Carl Wilmington, Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects
- 录像
- Aislinn Weidele/Ennead Architects